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The District of Delaware offers a database of opinions for opinions starting in 2000, listed by year and judge. For a more detailed search, enter the keyword or case number in the search box above.

Effective August 1, 2018 all opinions docketed in US Bankruptcy Court - District of Delaware will be extracted and posted on the following Government website:
They will also continue to be posted on the Court's website.

Case Name Case Number Judge Date Issued

Samson Resources Corp., et al.

Peter Kravitz, as Setlement Trustee of and on behalf of the Samson Settlement Trust v. Samson Energy Co., LLC, et al.

OPINION Regarding Fraudulent Transfers

15-11934; 17-51524 Judge Brendan L. Shannon 06/14/2023

Live Well Financial, Inc., v. Stuart H. Cantor, James P. Karides, Brett J. Rome, LWFVEST, LLC, North Hill Ventures II, LP, Five Elms Equity Fund I, L.P., Five Elms Haakon, L.P., Five Elms Coinvest, L.P., James Brown, Gantcher Family Limited Partnership, Eric Legoff, and Title Works Of Virginia, Inc. and John Does 1-10,



21-50990 Judge Laurie Selber Silverstein 06/13/2023

In re Mallinckrodt PLC, et al.

MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER Denying Motion to Enforce the Discharge Injunction



20-12522 Chief Judge John T. Dorsey 05/31/2023

In re Boulder Operations Holdings LLC, et al., Nos. 22-10664 (CTG), et seq.

Letter Ruling regarding Motion for Rule 2004 Examination

22-10664 Judge Craig T. Goldblatt 05/30/2023

THOMAS A. PITTA, Liquidating Trustee of the VG Liquidating Trust v. ANDREW R. VARA, in his official capacity as the United States Trustee for Region 3; RAMONA D. ELLIOT, in  her official capacity as Acting Director of The United States Trustee Program; and THE UNITED STATES TRUSTEE PROGRAM (In re VG Liquidation Inc., et al. 18-11120)       

MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER denying Motion to Dismiss


22-50416; 18-11120 Chief Judge John T. Dorsey 05/18/2023

In re: Healthcare Real Estate Partners, LLC, Case No. 15-11931 (CTG)

Healthcare Real Estate Partners, LLC v. Summit Healthcare REIT, Inc., Adv. Proc. No. 16-50981 (CTG)

Memorandum Opinion re: 303(i) and 362(k)

15-11931 Judge Craig T. Goldblatt 05/12/2023

In re:  AIG Financial Products, Corp., Debtor


22-11309 Judge Mary F. Walrath 05/10/2023

HRB Winddown, Inc., et al.

Alan N. Halperin, as Liquidating Trustee of the High Ridge Brands Co. Liquidating Trust v. Arawak IX, L.P., Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, LLC, John C. Compton, Vindi Banga (a/k/a Manvinder Banga), Kenneth A. Giuriceo, Gregory L. Pasqua, and James Daniels

19-12689; 21-51412 Judge Brendan L. Shannon 05/05/2023

In re:  NLG, LLC - Case No. 21-11269 (JKS)

Adv. Proc. Nos. 22-50086, 22-50421

Memorandum Order Denying Motions for Rehearing, Reconsideration and Relief from Orders 

21-11269 Judge J. Kate Stickles 05/03/2023

BAYOU STEEL BD HOLDINGS, L.L.C., et al., Debtors. Case No. 19-12153

George L. Miller, in his capacity as the Chapter 7 Trustee for the jointly administered bankruptcy estates of Bayou Steel BD, L.L.C., et al., Plaintiff v. Black Diamond Capital Management, L.L.C.; BDCM Opportunity Fund IV, L.P.; Black Diamond Commercial Finance, L.L.C.; Sam Farahnak; Phil Raygorodetsky; Rob Archambault; Terry Taft; and Bob Unfried, Defendants.  Adv. Pro. No. 21-51013


19-12153; 21-51013 Judge Karen B. Owens 04/26/2023
